An official khaki shirt for the Chanichim, can be purchased at the Va'ad table during the first peulot (activities) or in coordination with the Shevet Treasurer. The cost of the shirt is $ 25. Payment for the shirts will be in cash only. You can pay with a credit card in advance at the Shevet Gefen store.
Khaki pants that can be bought at any store like Gap, Old Navy, etc.
The Chanichim will receive the necktie (Aniva) on Yom Hatzofe (Scout Day). If the Aniva is lost, the Chanichim will be asked to purchase a replacement at a cost of $5
Ceremonial Khaki - Chanichim are asked to purchase a Shevet Gefen white polo shirt. The cost of the shirt is $25. The shirt will be used by the Chanichim in the various ceremonies as part of the ceremonial khaki that they will be asked to wear. The shirt can be purchased at the Va'ad table during the first peulot or in coordination with the Shevet Treasurer.
A Chanich who has a white shirt from previous years does not have to buy a new shirt
Khaki shirts and white polo shirts will be available for purchase in the first pe'ulot of the year.
Chanichim continuing from the previous year are asked to wear full khaki for the first peula. New Chanichim are asked to wear full khaki starting from the fourth peula.
Regarding khaki and anivot, please contact the Shevet Treasurer.
By registering for the Shevet, the parents confirm and approve that Shevet Gefen and Friends of Israel Scouts - Tzofim Tzabar may use any photo and/or video that will be taken during the various activities. The use will include, among other things, uploading materials to the Shevet's website, the Shevet's social media accounts, or for any other purpose related to the Shevet's activities.
For any question, comment or clarification, please Contact US.
First Meeting
2024-25 Activity Year
will open on Sunday, September 8, 2024.
Routine Meetings
Activity Hours:
The peulot will take place once a week on Sundays between 4:00-5:55 PM in Roslyn, unless otherwise stated. Please arrive a few minutes before the start of the Peula and pick up your children on time at the end of the peula.
Meeting and Pick Up Location:
Upon arrival at the peula the chanichim are asked to come to the library. At the end of the Peula, the parents are asked to pick up the chanichim from the lobby. When dropping off and/or picking up, please be careful not to interfere with the day-to-day operations of the JCC. The vehicles must be parked and the chanichim be picked up in person. Do not park in double parking and do not leave driverless vehicles in the square before the main entrance. Please obey the instructions of the parents on duty who will stand outside and direct the traffic. Your cooperation is very important
Attendance in Peulot:
The presence of the chanichim in the peulot is very important in order to maintain a sequence of activities and maintain the motivation of the chanichim and the group. In addition, the counselors invest a lot of time and thought in preparing the peulot so that the chanichim can have an interesting and fun activity. Missing peulot impairs the quality of the activities. If the chanich is unable to attend the peula, please notify the group's counselor or the Merakez Shevet as soon as possible, please do not report absences in the class WhatsApp group.
Parent attendance:
The Scouts is a youth movement for all that it entails, including placing the responsibility on the youth counselors and developing independence among the chanichim. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden for parents to enter into activities unless specifically approved. If there is a difficulty for the child, please contact the Madrich (Counselor) or Merakzim ahead of time.
Please try not to be late for the Peulot as it is very detrimental to the activity and makes it difficult for the counselors and the whole group to be focused on the Peula. A late Chanich will be asked to wait outside the activity room until the start of the next part of the activity so as not to disturb the whole group
Please bring the children a few minutes before the start of the operation
Early departure:
If there is a chanich who needs to leave the peula early - please inform the group's supervisor/counselors or the Merakez Shevet in advance and the chanich will be waiting for you in the lobby. Parents will not be allowed to enter the peula and take their child.
As always there will be a strict adherence for Chanichim to be dressed in full khaki (khaki shirt, khaki shorts and tie). A Chanich without a khaki will not be able to participate in the activities and will have to call his parents who will come to pick him up or bring him a khaki outfit.
For NEW Chanichim the khaki requirement is waived for their first three pe'ulot, however starting with the fourth peula they too will be asked be in full khaki
During special ceremonies (Holidays, Yom HaZikaron, Yom Ha'Shoah, etc), the Chanichim are asked to arrive in a festive khaki - a white collared shirt, a khaki pants and an aniva. The counselors will inform the chanichim when a festive khaki is needed, and emails and text messages will also be sent to the parents.
Parents and Chanichim are asked to read and follow the Code of Conduct of the Shevet Gefen, as well as the Code of Conduct of the HanHagat TZabar. Please emphasize to the Chanichim the importance of listening to the counselors and maintaining discipline in the group. Disruptions prevent the counselors from performing the activities they worked on and make it difficult for the whole group. Only cooperation on the part of the Chanichim and parents will ensure all the children of the Shevet have a successful and enjoyable year of activity
Using mobile phones:
Mobile phones will not be allowed during the peulot. The Chanichim are asked not to bring phones into peula at all or they will be asked to place the phones in a dedicated box at the beginning of the peula and pick them up at the end of the activity. Please emphasize to the Chanichim the issue of not using the phones during the peulot. It distracts them and prevents active and proper participation in the peula
WhatsApp groups:
The grade group WhatsApp groups are intended to convey messages regarding Tzofim only. Please avoid posting messages on other topics so as not to create a burden on the group. If you have individual questions - you can contact the group's counselor or Rashgad in private
In addition, please refrain from posting messages that are not about the Tzofim. If you think there is an important issue that should be brought to the attention of the parents, please send a message in detail to the Merakez Shevet and he/she will make sure to forward it to the Shevet's leadership for approval.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the group does not become a general bulletin board and becomes a nuisance in terms of the number of messages in it, thus maintaining the main interest and activity of the parent group.
If there are any issues or comments regarding the counselors - please contact the Shevet's Merakez Boger in private. We want to preserve the dignity of the counselors and remember that in the end - they too are children! Please do not contact the counselors directly but only through the Merakez or the Rosh Shevet/ treasurer of the Shevet for these matters.
Parents who are interested in volunteering throughout the year or at a specific event, please Contact Us.
Code of Conduct
Attitude and Behavior
I understand that my attitude and behavior are critical to the success of Shevet Gefen. I acknowledge that I share responsibility for the Shevet activities and I agree to abide by the following:
Therefore, the following actions will be implemented in all cases where any child behaves inappropriately and / or physically harms another:
First Misconduct:
The child will be given a warning by his / her madrich regarding his / her disruptive behavior and he / she will be removed from the group and the activity for a short cooling period.
Second Misconduct:
The child will be removed from the group and the activity for a short cooling period and the parents will be informed of possible future disciplinary actions.
Third Misconduct:
The child will be permanently removed from the program for the remainder of the day. The parent, or other emergency contact, will be contacted and will be required to pick-up the child immediately.
Any Additional Misconduct:
The parents will be contacted and the child will be suspended from the program unless his / her parents accompany him / her to the next activity. The children should be aware that they will be held responsible for their actions and that inappropriate behavior is never acceptable in our program.
I will be sensitive to the needs of each group (shevet, troop) member.
I will respect the people and places with whom I come in contact at all times.
I understand that the use of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs will not be tolerated, and that use of such substances during any activity will result in expulsion from the activity.
I will use all required safety equipment and follow safety rules and procedures.
I will be responsible for my personal belongings and equipment and I will not hold my troop / group or the shevet responsible for loss or damage due to my own negligence or neglect.
I will follow all directions promptly and respectfully and I will not disturb others.
I will not physically or verbally harm others, in person or online, and I will not use abusive or profane language. (Including hitting, spitting, and verbal and written names calling)
I will treat all resources provided for use with care. I understand that I will be assessed damages to any equipment in the event that my use of such equipment is negligent or abusive.
I will respect the personal equipment and property of others.
I understand that if I am sent home early from a meeting or activity due to any serious misconduct, it will be at my parent or guardian's expense.